Friday, December 25, 2009

"The Lawnmower." 11 x 15 mixed media on paper.


  1. This is SO fun and whimsical. I love the title. Please talk a little on your blog about the mediums you use in "mixed media" and what kinds of paper. I hope you'll teach a class in Woodruff this summer!!! June/July/August would be good!

  2. Hello Ginny,
    I use all kinds of media, crayons, pencils, any kind of paint - literally any kind of paint, and I literally paint on anything - paper, canvas, I cover up old paintings just anything hence the mixed media category. I just like to play, I never try to conquer what I am working with I just like to let it be itself and see what becomes.

    Yes this "Lawn mower" one is fun this was where something just emerged and as I looked at it and said it was done - I said it looks like a lawn mower hence the name.

    I love circles - and they have an eternal meaning for me and appear in all my work. The circles are more important to me than color, media or anything else.
